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已有 536 次阅读2017-2-8 14:07 | Green Bay Pack, Brett Favre Pa

(By Mondale Smith and Dale Andrews) Thousands flocked to the Georgetown seawall and the National Park yesterday in a most colourful social setting as kite-flyers joined the Christian community in the observance of Easter celebrations.Traditionally,Jack Butler Steelers Jersey UK, Easter Monday is set aside to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe is the son of God who was crucified as the ultimate sacrifice made to save the world from sin.The numbers of people were not as many on the seawalls as in the National Park but the occasion to some provided a platform for making fashion statements, healthy socialising,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, reacquainting and rekindling friendships as well as an excellent family time for picnicking and partying.Though not in the numbers as is usually the case, there were some locations from which popular music blared from stereos under tents and from vehicles.But above all, it was a time for kite flying and hundreds of kites dotted the skies. There were the traditional “singing engines” that mesmerised children, some of whom pranced around taking turns at eating and holding the kites.But there were the few who were distracted by games such as cricket.Obvious amongst the kites in the skies was the fact that traditional kites were far out numbered by the imported ones.One of the more excited kite flyers,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, this young lady helps in the process to get the five feet kite airborne in the National Park. They depicted birds,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, sharks,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, butterflies, super heroes and aeroplanes. They came in various sizes and colours with varying degrees of airworthiness. Some went up in a heart beat while others never left the ground for any period.Both adults and children seemed for the most part engaged in merriment from early yesterday morning and while some skilfully piloted their kites away from others, for the most part there were many cases that proved the opposite.As is traditional, some were not satisfied with just seeing their kites in the air and according to one woman, “I send two telegrams up there; one was a banks beer cup and another was just paper”.From quite early many kites landed in tree tops and while some flyers managed to free theirs, others opted for abandonment especially in areas where the kites became entangled with electrical power lines.There was one box kite seen in the National Park and according to its owner, it is three years-old and is as good as new.18-month-old Keshan Ramjattan was more than overjoyed with the kite flying experience and while many of his ilk had kites taller than themselves there were some who were quite comfortable with their home made 1?-inch and three-inch kites.By the end of the day there were many,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey, many abandoned imported kites.At the other extreme, one-year-old Ethan Singh was so mesmerised by a five-foot kite that when it landed he gave chase and eventually got his chance to touch the kite that towered over him. That kite was made by a man who gave his name as Chung and was soon soaring again before the pull of the winds caused the rope to snap and the kite went sailing away.These little ladies who had their father in over drive to keep up with them earlier in the day took some nap time and so did their father as the rest of the family were other wise engaged in kite flying. If there was a prize for most patriotic kite it probably would have gone to eight-year-old Brandon who had the time of his life on the Rugby field in the National Park to get his Golden Arrowhead homemade kite into the air, but he was one proud kite owner.By evening some of the youngsters who seemed full of energy,Le Veon Bell Steelers Jersey, earlier were overcome with sleep. There were hammocks for such an eventuality.Notable among the crowds were many persons who were more than proud to announce, like the US-based Morgan family, that “there is no place like home for Easter”.For Allison,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, her husband and their children it was their second Easter kite flying experience since they emigrated from French Guyana.






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