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Tomas Plekanec Canadiens Jersey maijul3k

已有 776 次阅读2017-2-11 12:00 | Tomas Plekanec, San Francisco

General Manager of Transport and Harbours Department (T&HD) Ms. Marceline Merchant says that the driver who was banned from boarding any of the entity’s vessels, because of unacceptable conduct during a protest over irregular ferry service,Michael Brantley Indians Jersey, will only be allowed to do so if a formal apology is issued.Merchant told this publication that once the man issues a written apology to the department and the supervisor who was on duty at the time of the incident, the ban will be lifted.Meanwhile, the truck driver, Mahendra Persaud, told Kaieteur News that up to press time yesterday his truck was still parked at Parika as he was awaiting word from the department. However, when told of the T&HD stance on the matter, the man said he would visit the office today to iron out the issue and make the apology so that he could go about his business.Truck drivers from Wakenaam staged a protest over the irregular ferry service from Parika to Wakenaam, on Thursday last. Persaud, who was a part of the protest, only learnt that he was blacklisted from boarding the vessel on Saturday when he turned up at the Parika stelling to be ferried back to Wakenaam.At the time,Heath Miller Steelers Jersey, Persaud was preparing to be ferried back home with items that were laden on a Canter truck, GKK 5673,Mark Trumbo Orioles Jersey, which he drives for his grandfather. He said that the items on the truck included perishables.“The clerk in charge of Parika say that the General Manager say that I get ban and I can’t travel,” he said.According to Persaud, one of his brothers then drove the truck onto the MV Malali,Matias Vecino Uruguay Jersey, but was told by the clerk that he, too, had been banned from using the service. When his brother refused to move the vehicle,Jonas Gustavsson Red Wings Jersey, a Transport and Harbours staffer summoned the police, who had the vehicle removed and escorted the brother to the Parika Police Station. Ranks there reportedly threatened to lock the brother up and seize the vehicle, but he was eventually released.He said he was forced to leave the vehicle,Billy Williams Cubs Jersey, laden with cement,Abel Hernandez Uruguay Jersey, rice, construction material and also fruits, at Parika. The family eventually hired a boat to transport the items to Wakenaam.Persaud is querying why he was singled out, when several other drivers were involved in the protest. He alleged that on Saturday he spoke,Los Angeles Dodgers Jackie Robinson Jersey, by phone, to a senior Government official who had reportedly issued the order.






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